
nyc mornings

the mist-smog grinds down 7th
thrashing papers and bits of dreams
from the hopeless dreaming homeless.
lights shine for no one.

men drive, men honk, men growl.
their hearts are stillborn, but their fists work.
they go
to battle in boardrooms
while women seek another way.

a bird hits the glass and dies
and falls
and dies some more on touchdown.
patters of tears from a nearby fountain,
sponsored by jp morgan chase
in corporate plaza,
open to the public
dawn to dusk.
this dead bird is not public
yet here she is - or was

well anyway thank you
says the doorman.
no thank you says the doorpasserthruwoman.

each remaining separate forever,
thrown in the heap.


stress test

if enough time passes
we will be forced to.
who is we
who forces
how soon is enough


my systems are stress
my pain is
hard to measure
yet known

define the shape of a mountain
the length of a coast
the surface of fog


sleep fragments

The Falls

do not purify; it is pure
do not defile; it is pure
do not change; it changes


I hate the winter because it’s cold. I hate the cold because it hurts.
I feel lonesome because I am alone. I feel what I am.
I know it before I feel it.
Do you
know it?
feel it?

Plover's Trip

from open sky to
open mouth of the cosmic crocodile each tooth is the arm of a spiral galaxy
each grain of sand's a grain of sand each a beach of grains of sand man
call me the bird of the universe along for the ride on the edge man
open never close man

Driving Thru

Smashed turtles on the highway
Five dollar foot long
God in the trunk