
She wanted to think of nothing,
to leave everything behind.
   So the angry joy of want,
   too the mirror in her mind.

"Life is not a string of pearls.
Life is not one gem.
Nor is it homeward-
   bound or stray,"
she thought,
then threw the thought

Her soulless body turned aside
to join nothing, over There,
where there isn't
  Space enough
  or Time at all, to care.


mmmm what      are       you.
i love
like the sea floor waits
or the clock condemns
which is to say
a saying instead of saying
(that i don't
at all)

buuuut maybe     i
want you
like the rain wants to rain
no. scratch that
like the ant wants to serve
a noble mind with simple purpose devoid of self
something like that
but better


god writes without words
she is without herself
and the story
is unwritten, isn't not written
is unread, isn't not read
is untold, isn't not told

a life without man
is not his life, but is life
a world without names
cannot be his
but his he claims
for when god unsaid, " "
man answered, "Man."